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学科资料 2023-06-27 12:56:03 c语言 什么是 关系 运算 算法

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What I want to share with you today is the second chapter of C language programming-basic arithmetic operations. Today's main content has three parts, namely constants and variables, simple screen output, data types and how to calculate the size of the space occupied by variables or data types.

No.1 C运算符和表达式



The arithmetic operators in C language are shown in the table. An expression composed of arithmetic operators and their operands is called an arithmetic expression. Among them, the operand is also called the operand, which can be a constant, a variable, or a function. Different from arithmetic operations in mathematics, the results of arithmetic operations in C language are related to the types of operands involved in the operation. Taking division as an example, the quotient after dividing two integers is still an integer. For example, the result values of 1/2 and 1.0/2 operations are different. The former is integer division, and the latter is floating-point division. The result value of the former is the integer 2, and the result value of the latter is the floating-point number 2.4.

There are two assignment methods: simple assignment and multiple assignment. There are 5 compound assignment operators involving arithmetic operations, namely +=, -=, *=, /=, %=.


宏常量也称为符号常量,是指用一个标识符号来表示的常量,这时该标识符号与此常量是等价的宏常量是由宏定义编译预处理命令来定义的。宏定义中的标识符被称为宏名。为了与源程序中的变量名有所区别,习惯上用字母全部大写的单词来命名宏常量。将程序 *** 现的宏名替换成字符串的过程称为宏替换。宏替换就是一种“傻瓜式”的字符串替换。

Macro constants are also called symbolic constants, which refer to constants represented by an identification symbol. At this time, the identification symbol and this constant are equivalent to the macro constant defined by the macro definition compilation preprocessing command. The identifier in the macro definition is called the macro name. In order to be distinguished from the variable names in the source program, it is customary to name macro constants with Words with all capital letters. The process of replacing the macro name that *** ears in the program with a character string is called macro replacement. Macro substitution is a kind of "dumb" string substitution.



Macro constants h *** e no data types. At this time, we need to use const constants to declare constants with a certain data type. In the declaration statement, as long as the const type modifier is placed in front of the type name, the identifier after the type name can be declared as a const constant of that type. A const constant can only be assigned an initial value when it is defined.

No.4 自动类型转换与强制类型转换运算符







1. Automatic type conversion in expressions:

Before performing operations on the operands, converting all operands into operand types with a larger value range is type promotion, and the process of promoting all char and short to int is integer promotion

2. Automatic type conversion in assignment:

In an assignment statement, if the type of the variable on the left (target side) of the assignment operator is inconsistent with the type of the expression on the right, automatic type conversion will occur during assignment.

3. Cast operator

The forced type conversion operator is abbreviated as forced conversion operator or cast operator. Its main function is to force the type of an expression value to a user-specified type.





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